about cocos tasty world

Hi, welcome to my Food blog! My name is Coco. I’m 27 years old. You can call me the lucky one for marrying my soulmate, best friend and biggest cheerleader. My greatest blessing is being the mother of a beautiful girl and a baby boy. I spent the first 6 years of my life in the Dominican Republic. My family then moved to Germany, where I still live.
how i got introduced to the cooking world.
My cooking journey started at an early age of 7. This is one of my favorite memories of my childhood, let me tell you I have a lot of good memories. I was just the little helper of my mother, when she created her delicious dishes. I felt so special to be part of the Team. I still remember the feeling of sitting in the small but cozy kitchen. The smell of fresh empanadas, different Dominican dishes, pescado en salsa de coco and so many more. I'm addicted to a good smelling kitchen. By that I mean the smell of different herbs and spices, which are dancing and harmonizing perfectly together.
At the age of 12 I started cooking alone for my family. First, I started by cooking the recipes I found in the old cookbooks of my mother. But I often failed, especially if it came to baking, because I was never one to follow the rules. As I started to realize, if I just follow my instincts, things are going to work out really well. There were a few things to follow if I would bake a cake, or make special things, but this was not a problem, once I found them out. With time I became a pretty good cook and I really loved being in the kitchen. Since then, the kitchen is my happy place.
my mantra
Life is so much better with a flavory dish. Nothing can make a person happier than a good, cooked meal. I love to make people happy. I truly believe this is my purpose on Mother Earth. There is no better way to learn about a culture than through their dishes. Because every dish tells a story.

who influenced me?
As I am living in Germany, I always tried different cuisines. The friends and people I met since I was 6, came from all around the world. I had the pleasure to get introduced to different cuisines, by family home made dishes. No one can make a dish better than a mother, grandmother or father who is cooking forever in a special field. My recipes are inspired and influenced by the people I met, the cultures I got introduced to and the places I've been.
how cocos tasty world was born
The people I cooked for always asked me for my recipes, but I always followed my instincts and didn't write down the recipes I've created. I could not give them my recipes. There were friends of my friends who believed I did not want to share my recipes, because they were my secret recipes. Haha let me tell you, if you are one of them, I really just didn't write it down. My husband told me for years to create a blog, but I didn't see myself on the Internet. After my friends, husband and family were so supportive and even gave me plates and equipment to start a blog, I started to realize that maybe I should consider starting a blog. Actually, I still didn't believe in myself.

The years went by, I started writing down which recipes I could post during the seasons. I started to write my recipes down, but often failed because I was not used to it. For example, I cooked the meal and wanted to write it down later, but never did. I never started the blog seriously. Disappointed with my failing New Year’s resolution (to start the blog seriously) for about 4 years, I think now is the time to take this to another level.
All I needed was my daughter who thinks I'm the best and enjoys my meals as much as I enjoyed the meals of my mother. She is also my little helper. Being pregnant with our second baby made me realize that time flies and all I should do is something that makes me really happy. I really believe in my Gift and want to share my knowledge and recipes that make everyone around me happy. I found freedom in the kitchen and new passions in styling and Photography. Never ever have I thought, not even in a Million years that I would love to photograph.
any rules?
I use minimally processed ingredients and wholesome food. The recipes are mostly healthy. I also think that a chocolate cake with sugar is healthy. My definition of healthy is to have a balanced diet.
The only rule that matters is the recipe must be delicious!
I hope you enjoy this little corner of mine!