caprese style tomato pesto ciabatta sandwich

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This Caprese-style tomato pesto ciabatta sandwich is the perfect lunch sandwich. The ciabatta sandwich is a combination of delicious garlic tomato, cheesy mozzarella, and fresh basil pesto.

This amazing caprese-style tomato pesto ciabatta sandwich, which I also love to call leveled-up bruschetta, is an addictive fresh, oily, salty, slightly sweet, but most importantly, rich flavor sandwich recipe. It`s the perfect lunch recipe because it is made very quickly and is perfect for preparing to take with you to work, although it tastes warm best.

ingredients for the tomato pesto ciabatta sandwich recipe

  • Ciabatta
  • Pesto
  • Garlic
  • Tomatoes
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Olive oil
  • Vinegar

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caprese style tomato pesto ciabatta sandwich

Caprese style tomato pesto ciabatta sandwich recipe

Preptime: 5min

Cooktime: 5min



Ingredients for the recipe:

2big Tomatoes
1medium-sized garlic clove
400gmozzarella cheese
1tbspapple cider vinegar
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  1. If you don’t have pesto, make fresh pesto. It only takes 3 minutes. Add all the ingredients to a food processor or blender and mix until a well-combined sauce.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200°C/ 392°F.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices.
  4. Cut the Mozzarella cheese into thin slices.
  5. Cut the bread into two halves.
  6. Spread pesto all over the bread until the halves are covered in pesto.
  7. Put the Mozzarella cheese slices on one of the bread halves and put the bread slices in the oven (top rail) for about 3-5 minutes or until the cheese melts.
  8. In the meantime, mince a garlic clove and add together with tomatoes, salt, and apple cider vinegar to a plate or bowl and cover the tomatoes in the sauce.
  9. Remove the bread from the oven, put the garlic tomato slices on top of the melted cheese, and put the other half on top.
  10. Cut the sandwich into halves or pieces.
  11. Ready to serve!
  12. ENJOY!

about me

Author of Cocos Tasty World, Coco
Hi, welcome to my Food blog! My name is Coco. I’m 27 years old. You can call me the lucky one for marrying my soulmate, best friend and biggest cheerleader. My greatest blessing is being the mother of a beautiful girl and a baby boy. I spent the first 6 years of my life in the Dominican Republic. My family then moved to Germany, where I still live.

More about me

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caprese style tomato pesto ciabatta sandwich

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